Sunday, November 01, 2020


Deviating from my usually analytical style, I went through some of my old blogging accounts, reading old posts and looking at how the level of my writing has changed over the years.However, I came across an old post with this picture in it (the one you see to the left), and this weird feeling of nostalgia came over me, as well as reading through the comments once more. Most of the people that looked at it originally thought I had just taken it from some random website, but no. My midterm final in high school, before our winter break, 2010, we were required to make a still life, and that had always been my forte when it came to art (and actually, replicating things usually seems to be what I'm good at).

The original image I used as the centre of my focus was an image was a PNG from, a full rose including its stem and leaves. As you can see, I clearly disregarded those features in this imitation for the scale I decided to sketch it at deemed it impossible. Nonetheless, it turned out very satisfactory to my taste, what do you think? (you can click the image itself for a larger view)

On the other hand, I randomly decided to blog today just for the heck of it, not that there's really anything too terribly exciting to blog about at the moment. Rather than spending my entire afternoon doing daft things by myself at home, I decided to accompany my family to my niece's birthday party that we were invited to at the last minute. Wasn't really comfortable there considering I don't really talk to that cousin, and thus, other than just my intermediate family members, I didn't know anyone there at all. Although I did have to admit, the food was rather delicious.

...but I digress. And Filipino food is always delicious (except when it's not...).

My friend invited me to this bioethics seminar this coming Tuesday (and friend who I will not reveal the name of online, you know who you are). I don't know whether to look forward to it or be absolutely terrified. I mean, for the ethics part, I pretty much know what most would say and question about certain situations, but then, an entire seminar of just repeated ideologies and theories over and over again would make me much more unwilling to stay. On the other hand, the subject has always intrigued me and what others have to say about it, so my internal debate continues. In all honesty though, I'd probably end up going anyway, seeing as how I don't ever have anything extremely productive to do during the evenings, and that would fill up a good chunk of my time with something I'm interested in.

That's pretty much it, lest I find something else slightly intriguing to write about. Til next time.